Payment Reminder - automatically send reminder emails
Payment Reminder - automatically send reminder emails Payment Reminder - automatically send reminder emails Payment Reminder - automatically send reminder emails

Payment Reminder - automatically send reminder emails

349,00 €
excl. 20 % USt
Art.Nr.: 118214_6114
6.x PRO,
English, German,
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über unser Reseller-Programm

Plugins, die durch NOT TESTED gekennzeichnet sind, wurden von xt:Commerce nicht getestet. Das bedeutet, dass xt:Commerce keine Garantie dafür übernimmt, dass Plugins wie beschrieben mit der Software funktionieren, oder dass durch die Installation möglicherweise Sicherheitsprobleme oder Datenverluste entstehen.

Bestellung abschließen?

Plugin: 349,00 €
excl. 20 % USt

Where can I find my License Key?
You can find your License Key in the file lic/license.txt (after key:). The key consists of 32 characters.

Installservice + 59,00 €
Send out payment reminders automatically:

Oblivion is human - thus it sometimes happens that a customer simply forgets the payment for an order, whether in bank transfer or at purchase on invoice. In such cases a simple and brief notification often solves the problem and the payment will be made very quickly.

The plugin "payment reminder" was developed for these situations to support you as a shop operator by sending out reminder e-mails automatically.

You just have to configure an email template for the payment reminder once to meet your needs and then let the plugin automatically send out notifications to overdue customers.
Define the order status for sending a payment reminder (eg. "open") and the duration in days (due date) after which a payment reminder will be sent out.
Then a cron job is used to automatically sent an email to those customers whose orders have the appropriate order status and are older than the specified duration (due date). Optionally, a new order status can be set after sending a payment reminder.

In addition, you can send a payment reminder regardless of the order status and age of the order - even repeatedly - with a single click when opening the details of an order (comparable to send the order confirmation manually).

The plugin fully supports multishops (fully multitenant), i.e. when using a multi-store version it can be configured and/or activated for each store separately.
Currently the languages ​​German and English are supported.

If you have questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Hersteller: Center of Efficiency GmbH
Wilhelm-Binder-Str. 15, 78048 Villingen-Schwenningen
[email protected],

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