Produktvideos für xt:Commerce (Youtube, Vimeo & self hosted Videos)
Produktvideos für xt:Commerce (Youtube, Vimeo & self hosted Videos) Produktvideos für xt:Commerce (Youtube, Vimeo & self hosted Videos) Produktvideos für xt:Commerce (Youtube, Vimeo & self hosted Videos)

Produktvideos für xt:Commerce (Youtube, Vimeo & self hosted Videos)

299,00 €
excl. 20 % USt
Art.Nr.: 50007_8614
Versionsnummer (4.2):
6.x PRO,
English, German,
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Plugins, die durch NOT TESTED gekennzeichnet sind, wurden von xt:Commerce nicht getestet. Das bedeutet, dass xt:Commerce keine Garantie dafür übernimmt, dass Plugins wie beschrieben mit der Software funktionieren, oder dass durch die Installation möglicherweise Sicherheitsprobleme oder Datenverluste entstehen.

Bestellung abschließen?

Plugin: 299,00 €
excl. 20 % USt

Where can I find my License Key?
You can find your License Key in the file lic/license.txt (after key:). The key consists of 32 characters.


✔ Diverse video source integration: upload videos to the shop yourself, Youtibe & Vimeo

✔ You can upload videos, assign products and adapt the description to the video with just a few clicks (support for multiple languages available)< /p>

✔ Studies have shown that the presence of product videos can increase the conversion rate

✔ You can find additional images in the Plugin documentation

The "tfm_product_videos" plugin for the xt:Commerce shop system enables retailers to enrich their online shop with videos and to offer their customers an interactive shopping experience. With this plugin, merchants can seamlessly integrate self-hosted videos, YouTube videos, and Vimeo videos into their product pages. Through the visual presentation of videos, products can be presented in an appealing way and important functions or possible applications can be illustrated. In addition to being integrated into the lightbox, the videos can also be output in a tab on the product page, so that nothing stands in the way of integration into individual designs. Templates for ew_adventury, ew_evelations, xt_responsive and all 4TFM xt:Commerce templates are included with the plugin.

Product videos for xt:Commerce:

  • Diverse video source integration: Our plugin supports embedding videos from various sources such as self-hosted videos, YouTube and Vimeo. As a result, retailers have maximum flexibility when selecting and providing video content.
  • Easy integration and customization: The plugin can be seamlessly integrated into the xt:Commerce shop and is easy to configure. They can upload their videos with just a few clicks, assign them to products and customize description texts to ensure optimal viewing.
  • Improved shopping experience: By including videos in your product pages, you can engage customers provide an interactive and engaging shopping experience. Videos help to better showcase products, demonstrate features and build customer trust.
  • Increase conversion rate: Studies have shown that the presence of product videos increases conversion rate can. With our plugin, retailers can use this effective sales tactic to increase their sales and convince customers.
  • Full control over video content: Retailers retain full control over the embedded videos. You can customize the order, text and position to best fit your product pages and achieve your marketing goals.
Hersteller: 4TFM E-Commerce Agentur GmbH
Wilhelm-Kuhr-Str. 5, 13187 Berlin
[email protected],