Versand Countdown
Versand Countdown Versand Countdown Versand Countdown

Versand Countdown

299,00 €
excl. 20 % USt
Art.Nr.: 50007_8594
Versionsnummer (4.2):
6.x PRO,
English, German,
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über unser Reseller-Programm

Plugins, die durch NOT TESTED gekennzeichnet sind, wurden von xt:Commerce nicht getestet. Das bedeutet, dass xt:Commerce keine Garantie dafür übernimmt, dass Plugins wie beschrieben mit der Software funktionieren, oder dass durch die Installation möglicherweise Sicherheitsprobleme oder Datenverluste entstehen.

Bestellung abschließen?

Plugin: 299,00 €
excl. 20 % USt

Where can I find my License Key?
You can find your License Key in the file lic/license.txt (after key:). The key consists of 32 characters.


✔ Clearly signal to your customers how long you still have to place their order until the next shipment.

✔ The blacklist function can automatically deactivate the stopwatch on public holidays

✔ Products can be excluded from the function.

Mehr Screenshots in der Doku

The Shipping Countdown Plugin for xt:Commerce can be used by you to clearly signal to the customer by when they must have ordered in order to receive the delivery as quickly as possible. On the one hand, this is a good service for the customer, on the other hand, the time limit increases the conversion rate, which leads to more orders.

So that every shop operator can get the most out of the plugin, any number of shipping times can be set to be created. In addition, days (e.g. public holidays) on which there is generally no sending can be blocked using a blacklist. On closed days, this function is automatically hidden in the entire shop without you having to lift a finger.

Hersteller: 4TFM E-Commerce Agentur GmbH
Wilhelm-Kuhr-Str. 5, 13187 Berlin
[email protected],