xt:Commerce 6 PRO - Single-License
xt:Commerce 6 PRO - Single-License xt:Commerce 6 PRO - Single-License

xt:Commerce 6 PRO - Single-License

499,00 €
excl. 20 % USt
English, German,

Please enter the domain name that you registered with a provider of your choice e.g., www.myshop.com

Sie sind Reseller? Informationen
über unser Reseller-Programm
499,00 €
excl. 20 % USt
No support
Premium Support (yearly) + 759,00 €
Installservice + 249,00 €

For self-starting entrepreneurs

xt:Commerce 6 is the ideal solution for entrepreneurs who want to build and design their online shop themselves. For the xt:Commerce 6 version we offer optional support packages and an impressive package of addons.

The advantages with
xt:Commerce 5

  • xt:Commerce 6 – up to the task
    • Centralised management of customers and orders
    • Unlimited number of products
    • Regular updates
    • Multilingual
    • URLs that are optimised for search engines
    • A community with over 90,000 members
    • Responsive Standard Template
  • The shop software – expand it anytime
    The intelligent, modular design of the xt:Commerce 6 Shop software is based on PHP and MySQL. This makes it possible to flexibly integrate a wide selection of plugins. You can update the Shop software to a newer version anytime and enhance the standard version of the shop without making changes to the source code. Numerous additional modules and interfaces can be easily installed with just the click of a mouse.
    Available anytime, anywhere: Your online shop is completely browser-based. This means that you can access the shop from any computer with an Internet connection, using any browser.
  • The backend – easy to understand, easy to use
    With the backend, you control and manage your shop. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use. The structure of the interface is similar to many other programs you are used to.
    You can set up an unlimited number of products, assign these products characteristics, and add product images. In addition to a variety of shipping options, currencies and languages, many other settings are pre-installed in the standard version. The Dashboard is an integrated analytics tool that provides you with detailed information on orders, customers and sales.
  • The frontend – more efficient searching, more enjoyable shopping
    Customers who can quickly find what they're looking for in your shop enjoy shopping more and are happy to return.
    The xt:Commerce frontend is perfectly tailored to meet these requirements. Your customers will find an easy, straight forward and user-friendly design.
    Appearance counts: Make your shop look good and customers will enjoy visiting your shop and recommend it to others. 
Additional shop features >

Informationen zum Premium Support PLUS (jährlich)

You can use the installationservice with following Hosters:

Version features:

  • New, flexible plugin system based on hook points
  • Backend with the use of a desktop application (based on Ext JS)
  • Comprehensive rights system (can be limited to atomic operations such as New, Edit, Delete for individual administration areas)
  • Full responsive Standard Template

Payment methods:

  • Sofortüberweisung.de
  • PayPal IPN
  • Credit card, ELV, etc. via Moneybookers.com
  • Debit payment
  • Prepayment

Export manager

With the xt:Commerce export manager, you can quickly create and fully automate export processes, without having to program your own export module. By default, the definitions for all standard price portals are included.

Basic functions:

  • Template-controlled export definitions, independent of whether you generate *.csv or *.xml exports.
  • Export feeds for products and orders
  • According to the language, currency, manufacturer, and customer groups
  • Management of ad campaigns
  • According to the customer groups, time frame or order status; for instance, the export of new orders placed in the last 24 hours
  • Upload of the generated file to an external server via FTP
  • Sending the generated file as an e-mail attachment
  • Storing the file on the server
  • Cronjobs (for complete automation)

Customer group system:

  • Minimum and maximum order quantities
  • Quantity-dependent rebates
  • B2B/B2C settings (including tax/without tax, list tax)
  • Customer group system with master/slave customer groups (inheritance of rights and prices)

Plugin system

xt:Commerce has an innovative, flexible and robust plugin system. Every type of module, for instance for the payment method or shipping, can now be centrally installed and managed from a single plugin interface. This applies for both the frontend and backend. xt:Commerce is able to achieve this by means of hook points. Hook points consist of any number of set access points in the code where plugins can "hook in". From there, they are executed automatically. This provides the distinct advantage of being able to separately edit the plugins and the shop software.
  • The system core remains unaffected by modules/plugins
  • No changes to the shop code are necessary for integrating a module
  • Shop code can be updated at any time, without, as in the past, having to adapt the code again
  • With a single click, plugins can be uninstalled immediately, without leaving a trace


  • Cross-selling
  • Automatic cross-selling (customers also purchased. . . )
  • Sale of digital download products
  • Master/Slave item system (replaces the attribute system and makes correct stock management possible with every combination of options)
  • Flexible pricing system (customer group prices, staggered prices, etc. as with 3.0.4)
  • Stoplight system for stock inventory
  • Feedback system for items
  • Age-restricted classification
  • Rights management (items for individual customer groups and/or individual shops)
  • Manufacturer management
  • Base prices according to Price Indication Ordinance

SEO functions:

  • mod_rewrite URLs for products, categories, manufacturers and content (for example, www.my-domain.de/category/subcategory/my-product.html)
  • Automatically generated meta tags, such as keywords, for all pages based on the content of the current page

Template functions (smarty template system)

  • Templates can be custom set according to the shop (multi-shop) and customer group
  • Automatically generated buttons

Shipping methods:

  • Freely configurable shipping system
  • According to price, weight, number of items, set prices, zones and countries

Additional useful functions:

  • Flexible export manager for exporting products (can be automated with cronjobs, for instance, for price comparison portals)
  • Content manager
  • E-mail manager (e-mail templates can be managed via the administration, linked to rights management)
  • Media manager for image and file management
  • Database monitor
  • Language administration (all defined languages can be managed via the administration interface)

System requirements:

For the latest information on system requirements, see our wiki page Systemrequirements * The delivery of the system and the generation of the license normally take place within 24 hours of the receipt of payment in our system.

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