Badge for Shop Reviews + Google Stars | Trustami

Badge for Shop Reviews + Google Stars | Trustami

Art.Nr.: 142174_7924
Versionsnummer (4.2):
6.x PRO,
English, German,
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Plugins, die durch NOT TESTED gekennzeichnet sind, wurden von xt:Commerce nicht getestet. Das bedeutet, dass xt:Commerce keine Garantie dafür übernimmt, dass Plugins wie beschrieben mit der Software funktionieren, oder dass durch die Installation möglicherweise Sicherheitsprobleme oder Datenverluste entstehen.

Trustami trust badge allows you to collect all your existing reviews in one place from all sources. Trustami offers a unique service that automatically aggregates, updates and verifies a merchant's scattered reviews.

Register your Trustami account for free

- Trust badge: Unlimited number of reviews in one badge
- Individual badge: Choose between several badges and customize them to your flavor.
- Google Stars: Trustami allows you to see rating stars for your store's pages in organic Google search results
- Dashboard: Get statistics on your ratings
- Review Alert: You will be notified of negative reviews across all platforms
- Review Insurance: Save your reviews against loss in the event of a change of provider or due to a deletion / blocking of your account
- Merchant Award: Benefit from a unique award that we award to the top 25% of dealers per network

With this plugin you can use the Trustami trust badge with just a few clicks. For the plugin activation a Trustami account is necessary, through which you get your Trustami ID.

Note: Please note that this xt:Commerce plugin is merely an extension of your xt:Commerce store to include the Trustami trust badge.

If you have any questions write us an

email [email protected]
or call us +49 (0) 30 - 346 4943 65
For more information visit our website

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Hersteller: Trustami GmbH
Bamberger Straße 40, 10779 Berlin
[email protected],