Verified Reviews

Verified Reviews

Art.Nr.: 96304_4544
Versionsnummer (4.2):
English, German,
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über unser Reseller-Programm

Plugins, die durch NOT TESTED gekennzeichnet sind, wurden von xt:Commerce nicht getestet. Das bedeutet, dass xt:Commerce keine Garantie dafür übernimmt, dass Plugins wie beschrieben mit der Software funktionieren, oder dass durch die Installation möglicherweise Sicherheitsprobleme oder Datenverluste entstehen.

01 - Increase your conversion rate
Online Customers need to be reassured before making a purchase. Genuine customer reviews build confidence rapidly, so providing access to such reviews is the best way to reassure potential customers. A trusted third party partner, who collects, processes and displays reviews for you, guaranteeing their independance, increases conversion rate up to 20%.

02 - Get more customers thanks to a stronger SEO
Verified-Reviews publishes all reviews and comments in "Google Shopping" and “Google Merchant”. Your ranking will be improved and you will attract new customers.

03 - Increase average basket size
Customers trust also increases average cart value just as it increases conversion rate. Customers are more willing to buy more if they feel reassured and in confidence.

04 - Improve customer satisfaction rate
Know what your customers are saying so you can provide the highest level of customer service. Only a Verified Reviews system gives you a clear overview of your customer satisfaction rate and online reputation. Customer feedback will drive your quest for quality.
Joliette, 13000 Marseille
[email protected]